Established in 1982, Quinns Mindarie Surf Life Saving Club has a proud history of serving the community of Quinns Rocks, Mindarie and surrounds. We are committed to ensuring the safety of visitors to Quinns Beach.
The Club has evolved from its early beginnings as Quinns Rocks SLSC, operating out of a small, donated shed with less than 50 members in the early 1980’s to a Club with dedicated facilities, a membership approaching 1000 members and a notable reputation at the State and National level as a ‘Club to watch’ as we continue to excel across our Lifesaving, Surf Sports and Youth portfolios.
Poised for our next growth phase, we are focused on the development of our members to ensure they have the knowledge, capability, and support to achieve in their chosen disciplines while continuing to meet the needs of our community; and the development of our facilities to ensure they remain attractive to our current and future members and visitors to the beaches of Quinns Rocks and Mindarie.
The Club's strategic plan has been developed following extensive engagement with, and feedback from, members and key external stakeholders. It outlines the Club’s vision and strategic direction as we mark 40 years serving our community, and the people of Western Australia, and work towards 2025 and beyond.
The QMSLSC Strategic Plan 2025 is designed to provide a roadmap for the growth and direction of the Club over the next 3 to 5 years.
Four Strategic Pillars have been identified, to support the Club’s development over the coming 3-5 years, along with 4 Supporting Pillars:
- Lifesaving
- Surf Sports
- Youth
- Social

- Governance
- Community
- Workforce
- Infrastructure
Strategic goals have been defined for each of the Strategic and Supporting pillars, each of these goals have key outcomes and broad strategies identified for the achievement of each outcome.